Thanks for visiting Racecast Weather! We aim to provide accurate weather forecasts each race weekend for fans, teams, suppliers, media, series officials, and track officials at North American open wheel and sports car races.
Here are a few tips to let you know where to find the information that we provide, and what you can expect from us.
You'll find our forecasts and forecast updates listed in the blog section. We will also be posting verification of our forecasts on occasion - how well or how poorly we did. Sometimes we will post something to help educate our readers about how weather and forecasting works.
Our forecast schedule is located under the "Schedules" tab at the top. This is where you'll see exactly which races we will be providing forecasts for. As you can see, 2015 will be a very busy year for us! We've added Indy Lights, Trans Am. Continental Tire SportsCar Challenge, and national SCCA and NASA events. If you're only interested in following our forecasts for one particular series, you can use the "Categories" links on the right.
We will post radar updates to the blog, Twitter, and Facebook during races as needed, but if you what to see the radar at any time, you can use the "Live Radar" tab at the top. It is centered on the race track, with a yellow star marking the track. Sometimes we'll be providing weather coverage for multiple races on the same weekend - we'll change the radar location to the track with the most active weather.
It's important to know where your weather information is coming from, and to trust your source. Anyone can start a blog and copy weather information from other sources, but Scott and I both create our own forecasts, making our own analysis from our experience and our education. We don't hide behind a pseudonym - our names are always on our forecasts, and we believe it is important to be open and honest about our forecasts and our limitations. In the "About" tab, you can learn about my and Scott's background.
Remember to add this site to your favorite RSS reader, to like our Facebook page, and to follow both myself (@Race4caster) and Scott (@RaceWx4You) on Twitter. We always welcome feedback on our forecasts, and if there is any specific weather information that we're not providing, please let us know. You can contact us on Twitter or through the "Contact" tab at the top.
Thanks for using Racecast Weather!