A southeasterly flow of moisture through the atmosphere continues to transport moisture off the Atlantic into the Carolinas and Virginia as low pressure slowly tracks northward on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains. The band of heaviest rainfall will be north of VIR today, but there will still be periods of on/off rain showers all day today. I have a 100% chance of rain mentioned in the graphic, but there will be some breaks to the rain now and then. This will continue through tonight. On Sunday, a front will be pushing toward VIR from the east, which will keep numerous showers around the area all day. I think the majority of the rain on Sunday will be in the morning, with less coverage in the afternoon, but there could still be showers at any time of the day. With the front moving closer, temperatures should be warmer, with highs Sunday in the lower 70s. It will be a little breezy today and tomorrow, with northeast winds at 10 to 15 mph. Gusts to around 20 mph will be possible at times.
Live radar centered over VIR is available at the link at the top of the page.