9AM - Mostly cloudy 50ºF. Winds W 2-5 MPH.
11AM - Mostly Cloudy 54ºF. Winds ESE 2-5 MPH. (Green Flag)
1PM - Mostly Cloudy 58ºF. Winds SE 5-10 MPH.
4PM - Mostly Cloudy, 10% Rain Chance. 56ºF. Winds SSE 6-12 MPH.
7PM - Mostly Cloudy, 20% Rain Chance. 53ºF. Winds S 5-10 MPH.
10PM - Mostly Cloudy 50ºF. Winds SW 5-10 MPH.
12AM - Mostly Cloudy 48ºF. Winds SW 5-10 MPH.
3AM - Mostly Cloudy 46ºF. Winds WSW 5-10 MPH.
6AM - Mostly Cloudy 41ºF. Winds WSW 5-10 MPH.
9AM - Partly Cloudy 45ºF. Winds SW 5-10 MPH.
12PM - Mostly Sunny 53ºF. Winds NE 3-7 MPH. (Checkered Flag)
For the remainder of the daylight hours on Sunday for post-race activities, skies will continue to be mostly sunny and temperatures will rise to around 56 for the high, before steadily dropping into the upper 40s by 6PM. Radar is up and running on our website (if using a mobile device, view site as desktop for best performance). Good luck to all of the teams and officials, and have a great Saturday!